Happy New Year!

Is it just me, or does January feel like an in-between month? All of the build up for the holidays is over, and it’s still not quite Spring time yet.
Here in the south, our weather has been from 80 degrees to 30 all in the same week this month! It’s getting a little out of hand; so naturally, we wore our shorts earlier in the week, and then just yesterday the temperature dipped again, so I whipped up some soup.
As far as the new year goes, I’m not big on resolutions or anything. It just seems like I’d be setting myself up for failure; and if I really want to change something, chances are I’m not waiting until January 1 to do things differently.
That being said, there are several things that I’m putting in extra effort toward lately. More water, less caffeine. More in-the-moment, less stressing about the next one (work in progress, y’all!).
I hope your new year is off to a good start so far! Can’t wait to see what 2020 brings.