I totally want to be one of those people who can “live on less”; yet I buy paper towels and toilet paper in bulk, (we always have, that’s not a quarantine thing, that’s a regular life thing), have a cabinet full of coffee mugs and a linen closet full of blankets. My jewelry situation is out of hand, yet I find myself gravitating toward the same pieces daily. I probably only wear a handful of my shoes, yet my closet is overflowing with them.
Looking in, I’d say I’m already “living on less” than I have. So why do I hold on to all the extras??
I’m craving simplicity, but I can’t seem to let go of the things that I do not need.
Please tell me there’s a support group for this type of thing! (lol)
When we were installing new flooring in our living room, we moved all of our furniture down into the sunroom, (a space that I honestly had no idea what to do with until then), and it just felt so cozy and airy. Right then and there, my husband and I both committed to eventually putting furniture down in that space.
While we haven’t made any concrete plans or mapped out any specifics, it’s fun to know that the simplest little spot (pictured above) can be so inspiring! It makes me wonder how much more inspiration is hiding behind all of our “stuff”…