feels a lot like regular life in our house. Lots of time together and lots of time at home.
There are a few things that we’re missing around here though.
E misses her teachers and friends, and I miss my three hours of alone time Monday through Wednesday.
I’m going into shopping-in-person withdrawals. Honestly, I miss Target, Tjmaxx and Home Goods so much and it’s making me feel like a crazy person.
I know that if those are the only things that our life is lacking lately, then we’re pretty fortunate.
Besides, we’ve replaced Target runs with golf cart rides and no one is complaining about it (except maybe me …just a little bit), but a duck ate right out of my hand the other night, and no one stops me from drinking wine on the golf cart. There are no ducks at Target, and I think they’d frown upon my leisurely walks with a wine glass in hand.
Oh who am I kidding? I’m going to drive my happy little butt a whole hour and two counties over the minute that Home Goods reopens and I’m strolling that entire store ALONE for as long as I want.
In the meantime, you can find me feeding ducks, drinking wine and hanging out on the back porch in my coziest clothes. Y’all call it quarantine, but I call it a regular Wednesday.

**SIDE NOTE: my heart truly goes out to anyone and everyone who’s finances, health, etc are affected by this pandemic.