Whoa, I know that summer just officially started, but it feels like we’re halfway through summer break (school starts back in early August around here), and I’m not sure how I feel about it this year. Part of me knows that we all thrive when we’re on that school year schedule, but another part of me loves these slow mornings where we can just hang out in bed and wake up without setting an alarm.

Also, it’s been about a bazillion degrees here in the south this summer; and I’m not sure if every year I just forget that it’s going to be this hot, or if the sun is actually coming for us at such an aggressive rate these days and I should be concerned. Hmmm… gonna stick with the former, so I don’t freak myself out. Knowledge is power ….or is it knowledge is anxiety? Anyway…..

Tap to shop
I finally ordered the viral FP shorts, and let me just tell you that I’ve been LIVING in these and I finally get the hype. If you love the way that leggings give you that slight compression in the winter time, but don’t want to sweat all summer, these shorts are for you! And because I know y’all are far more adventurous than I am, I feel obligated to let you know that they come in tons of colors. I grabbed black, cream and [shockingly] mauve. I know, I surprised myself with that too!

Hmmm, what else is new with us? Shep is having another surgery (this time on his eyes). And I haven’t even shared about his first surgery (brain) yet. I’m so behind. It’s honestly so emotional for me, and I don’t do well dealing with it at all, so it’s hard to make the conscious choice to take myself back to that place so that I can fully write about the experience. I still plan to at some point, but it’s almost a year later and I still don’t feel ready.
Okay this is getting wordy, but it’s been a reallllly long time since I’ve written a blog post, and I feel like I need to stop neglecting this space! So fingers crossed that I’ll be back soon with updates or something useful …or at least some pretty pictures to share? Who knows. Thanks for sticking with me, friends!
I’m so proud of you! I love you!