2020, am I right?
Raise your hand if you’re ready to leave this year behind!
I mean part of me is excited to step out of 2020 and into 2021; and the other part of me wonders how different a new year will actually be when it’s only a few days difference.
We lost things in 2020. We lost innocent freedoms like packing ourselves into theme parks and shopping malls without a care in the world. Some of us lost loved ones. [Leslie and I each lost a grandparent at the beginning of the pandemic] Others lost paychecks, and the ability to fund their everyday lives.
I have to wonder if we actually gained anything at all from this past year.
I know, personally, I gained some perspective.
I’ve always been someone who feels and sees things on an embarrassingly deep level (enneagram type 4 here), but to watch everyone navigate the craziness that was 2020 was such an intense ride for my emotions. I don’t think that any of us will ever be the same after that.
I’m hopeful that 2021 will shift back to something a little more recognizable as “normal”; because I’m refusing to believe that we’ve entered a “new normal” where people have facetime holidays with their families, hugs and handshakes are a thing of the past and parents are forced to play homeschool teacher whether they want to or not.
Every pandemic, every national and international news headline until this point has eventually subsided and life was able to continue as normal. It’d be wild to think that 2020 would be any different. Right….?
I say this every year, but I don’t do resolutions. I never have. It’s not something that has ever had any appeal to me: making promises to myself on a certain day of the year. Nah bruh. Pass. It sort of feels like making plans when you’re in a good mood, only to have to actually follow through with said plans when you’d rather be curled up in bed watching Netflix ….just me? Lol
Anyway, here’s to 2021.
I hope that this year is better than the last.
Seriously, that’s not setting the bar very high at all.
Surely SURELY we can make that happen somehow.